happy gal 88

This blog is about all things that make me happy. Why happy gal? Because I strongly believe that life is short and we must treasure every second of it. Why brood and live life unhappily?! I hope every reader finds some happiness on this blog : ) See my Korean blog - Seoul Far Seoul Good - @ http://www.seoulfarseoulgood.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Jang Dong-gun Forever

Not once but twice - yes, I shook Jang Dong-gun's twice yesterday. I'm smiling as I'm writing this - never would I imagine coming up close and personal with my idol of two months.

While I felt a little foolish chasing him from the airport to Heeren and then the cinema and trying to avoid the media at the same time, I have only one thing to say - it was WORTH IT - every second of the 8 hours I waited. Crazy, isn't it?

But he's really drop dead gorgeous! I must really thank my friend for getting such a good seat at the charity premier - row 2, aisles seat - the aisles he took to walk up and down to meet his fans. That's not all - Just when I was really sad that I had lost a roll of films I painstakingly shot during that day, the cinema called and said they found it. What a miracle!

Having said all these, seeing him has brought me back to earth and reality. Jang Dong-gun can and will remain only an idol - someone I have a crush on. While I try to be more level headed, I still can't stop thinking of him. His mesmerizing look, his sincere smile, his eyes, his great tan will remain etched in my mind, forever.

The media had only good things to say about him. I'm sure many fans here are ecstatic about him denying having a girlfriend. But I'm a little sad. I think he's too nice a guy to remain single. Since he can only be admired and respected from a distance, I wish he will find his true love and bring love and happiness to the destined one.

Thank you, JDG. I feel like I'm the luckiest and happiest gal in this universe. Now I must wait patiently for my photos and hope there are 2-3 good ones that I can put on my blog.


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