happy gal 88

This blog is about all things that make me happy. Why happy gal? Because I strongly believe that life is short and we must treasure every second of it. Why brood and live life unhappily?! I hope every reader finds some happiness on this blog : ) See my Korean blog - Seoul Far Seoul Good - @ http://www.seoulfarseoulgood.blogspot.com/

Saturday, December 03, 2005

In Celebration of Life

Today is my birthday and I've decided to do a list of the Most XXX (A-Z) things (pardon the way some superlatives were used)that have happened in my life or I've done... happy reading ; )

Adventurous - Scuba diving
Beautiful - Watching sunset on Wakiki Beach, Hawaii
Challenging - Managing my finances
Dreamy - Striking a million dollar lottery and retire immediately
Embarrassing - asking a friend if she's pregnant when she wasn't
Flattering - Friends asking me to submit photo for Hot Babes page in the Sunday Times
Gorgeous man I admire - Jang Dong-gun, who else?
Horrible - A trip to Phuket that ended with an ambulance ride to hospital from the airport
Innovative - Making and selling accessories
Joyful - Should I say it's being single again? Because life after that has never been happier and better

Kiddy - Having a crush @ age XX
Lustful - sh... this is a secret
Meaningful - Selling cookies to raise money for charity
Naughty - Getting drunk with a group of all-male college friends. Thank goodness they were very nice friends.
Outrageous - Going for blind dates ; (
Proud - Setting up my blog
Quick - Gobbling down a plate of chicken rice in 3 minutes
Romantic - Giving someone 12 handmade cards for his 6-day overseas trip... one to be read after each meal
Scary - Going for an operation at 21 years old
Torturous - 17 hour flight to the United States... tough passing so many hours when you can't get to sleep

Unforgettable - Trip to Yosemite Park... the scenery, peace and smell of pine are etched in my mind and it's what I think of when I meditate
Valuable - Reading and writing skills
Wonderful - Coming home each day for Mom's home-cooked meal
Xpensive - A half-carat solitaire ring
Yummy - Home baked mud Cheesecake
Zzzz... (boring) - Washing toilets

So, what am I looking forward to as I enter another year? More fun and happiness of course...

Note: Fireworks photo courtesy of Christopher Leng ; )


  • At 2:00 pm, Blogger Sandy, 샌디 said…

    Thanks, Neo-nara. I never considered myself a 'great' writer. There are many others out there much better than me. I just enjoy writing ; )

  • At 7:40 pm, Blogger Sandy, 샌디 said…

    Nothing to be envious about... imagine if I start a blog in Korean.. you'll probably vomit blood wondering what the h@#$ am I talking about. I'm envious of your blog too - up till now, I still don't know how to put in music and a counter : (


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