happy gal 88

This blog is about all things that make me happy. Why happy gal? Because I strongly believe that life is short and we must treasure every second of it. Why brood and live life unhappily?! I hope every reader finds some happiness on this blog : ) See my Korean blog - Seoul Far Seoul Good - @ http://www.seoulfarseoulgood.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Have You been Naughty or Nice?

It's 12 more days to Christmas... guess it's time for me to stop all that mindless shopping and do some stock take. I've decided to confess so that Santa won't skip my house this Christmas!

So, here I go….the seven ‘deadly’ sins I’ve committed in 2005:

Pride/Vanity – Excessive complaints about my weight despite people telling me other wise. Thank goodness my friends have not abandoned me for sounding like a broken record.

Envy - Pencil thin legs are what I would die for... since I love to bake and I can't eat everything, I've been spreading the fats around. But I'm sure my friends love it!

Gluttony – This one’s easy… I’ve developed an addiction to chocolate this year and I think I’ve consumed enough to last me for the next 5 years! Sounds scary, doesn't it?

Lust – Going all out to get tickets to the Charity Premier Screening for The Promise so I can meet my idol… I've been quite shameless but what the heck, you only get to meet your idol once in your lifetime!

Anger – Three years of yoga and meditation still can’t keep my temper in check, especially when I talk to my family. So, impatience and anger are weaknesses I must work on in the coming year.

Greed – I don’t crave for more money or material things but I want more TIME. I’ve been stretching my weekends so much and I wake up so tired every Monday.

Sloth – Keeping my room spick and span is really challenging with the many hobbies that I have.

Have you reflected on your past year? If not, do so and beg forgiveness from those whom you have ‘sinned against’. You’ve got another 18 days to do it so you can start 2006 afresh with a peaceful mind ; )