happy gal 88

This blog is about all things that make me happy. Why happy gal? Because I strongly believe that life is short and we must treasure every second of it. Why brood and live life unhappily?! I hope every reader finds some happiness on this blog : ) See my Korean blog - Seoul Far Seoul Good - @ http://www.seoulfarseoulgood.blogspot.com/

Friday, November 11, 2005

Winter has FINALLY Ended...

At last, I've finished watching Winter Sonata or should I say, Winter Lullaby.

My conclusion? The producer has done an excellent job in selling Korea as a winter tour destination, despite the fact that Korea is known to have very harsh winters. I'm all for going there next winter maybe it's because there's no snow where I come from. And Nami Island, where filming took place, looks big but I heard it can be covered in 3 hours by foot.

But I give the producer thumbs DOWN for the script and plot. Gosh, it's like watching people go round in circles - first A is with B, then split up, went on with C and then history repeats itself. It is also sad that the TV drama portrayed Korean men to be weak -- first time I see men cry so much! No offence to other Korean men but blame it on the scriptwriter and producer.

Still, it's only a TV drama. Glad it's all over. Now I can start watching Icing --starring my idol - Jang Dong-gun.


  • At 8:11 am, Blogger Sandy, 샌디 said…

    Need you ask? Of course it's Jang. I don't like Bae - very much a weakling. Jang is much more macho and good-looking : )


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